Endovenous Ablation
What Is Endovenous Ablation?
Endovenous Ablation also known as Endovenous Laser Treatment is a newer type of vein treatment having only been around for the last 15 years. It is a minimally-invasive procedure for varicose veins and takes less than an hour to perform. Out of all vein treatments, this procedure is known to be the most effective and least invasive.
This procedure is done in the doctor’s office and requires a local anesthetic. The doctor will be done in less than an hour!
During this procedure, a patient will lie on his or her back with legs elevated; the treatment area will be cleaned and shaved. The patient will be injected with a local anesthetic by a thin needle, and will only feel a small prick. The treatment area will become numb. This procedure uses radio frequency energy delivered through a thin catheter to treat the cause of the varicose vein. A small incision is made and the catheter is inserted into the diseased vein. With the guidance of an ultrasound machine, heat is applied to the vein through the catheter. The radio frequency energy heats and collapses the veins with unhealthy valves. The radio frequency energy will shrink and seal the large vein that is causing the varicose veins. After the vein is treated, the heat and catheter will be removed. A bandage will be placed on the incision in case minimal bleeding occurs.
The anesthetic will last for a few hours after surgery. Anti-inflammatory medication is recommended for the first few days after surgery to lessen any inflammation and pain. Depending on pain level, the doctor will determine if a person needs prescription medicine, or if over-the-counter medicine will be sufficient for pain relief.
Patients recover from Endovenous Ablation quickly; they can resume normal daily activities by the next day. They will be asked to wear a compression stocking for a week after the procedure to reduce any swelling, bruising, or development of blood clots. Strenuous activities and exercises can be resumed two weeks after the procedure. You will be asked to avoid situations that involve prolonged sitting and standing for a few weeks following the procedure, and frequent walks are recommended.